
Nutrition Counseling

Interested in improving your overall nutrition, whether it is driven by personal health goals or prevention or management of health conditions? We can help you set realistic and achievable health goals.  Through on-going education during our sessions, you will be empowered to understand and translate your nutritional knowledge into a plan that is achievable, flexible, and supports your individual needs.

Our approach is to meet you where you are.  We will guide and help you achieve a healthful life that meets your goals to optimize movement or exercise, diet, and wellbeing (physical and mental) while managing the demands of your daily life, whether that be family, and/or career, or studies.  We engage our clients in making decisions together, rooted in science, but guided by your needs, time constraints, and goals.  We are a team, in that there is a common goal that we strive to achieve together.  The approach is stepwise, but not always linear, as every client is an individual with unique demands, needs, stressors, and abilities.

Our culture has made food and nutrition complicated.  We will work together through behavioral changes to overcome obstacles to attaining and maintaining a way of eating that is appropriate for you.  Additionally, we will help you decipher the true message in cultural trends around diet.  You will learn if supplements that are appropriate for you, and if so, how to choose the best brand and dose in a mostly unregulated industry.

Eating Disorders

Our treatment approach is evidence-based and we treat all diagnosed eating disorders as well as disordered eating. We will be a compassionate ally in your journey. 

Our role is to improve your health through education, eliminating harmful behaviors by teaching you effective skills, and developing a healthy relationship with food.  By embracing a healthier way of eating, together we can dispel the myths that equate healthy eating with self-control, limiting or even avoiding certain foods and not being able to participate in social and cultural events that are celebrated through food.

Regaining control of your thoughts and behaviors around food is an essential part of the recovery journey.  We help you identify your values and meaning in life independent of food.  We will be an integral part of your treatment team and will advocate for you and communicate frequently with your medical and therapy provider(s).  

Sports Nutrition Guidance and Education

My passion for nutrition began as an athlete, a runner who earned a scholarship from the University of Kentucky, while living in Ireland.  I was able to put into practice what I was learning to achieve my goals as a competitive runner.

Sports and competition, whether recreational or competitive is an area of nutrition in which science has advanced at a great pace.  However, it is also rife with questionable supplements and diets.  We will help you create a plan that supports your needs and optimize your goals all while debunking the myths.